About me

My name is Stefan Beckmann, I am married and father of two girls. I have been working in the information technology industry for over 24 years. Originally I had learned another profession. But my interest in computers was simply greater, and so I was able to start in the outsourcing business in 1999. Since then I have always worked for service companies, one larger and two smaller service providers. My current job is at baseVISION AG, in the area of Azure and Azure Virtual Desktop.

I have always been interested in communities. So I was part of the Linux User Group Bern and the Openwireless Bern for a while. Currently I visit different Meetups:

  • Azure Professional Workgroup
  • Swiss PowerShell User Group
  • Workplace Ninja Summit
  • Microsoft Azure Bern User Group

I founded the Swiss Citrix User Group (SwissCUGC, CUGC) together with Sache Thomet in 2015. During 5 years I supported there as a leader.

Since the first hour of the Workplace Ninja Summit Europe in 2020 I am part of the organizing team, helping with the organization and the selection of the sessions in the Virtual Desktop area. The thing I’m most excited about is that after 2 years of virtual, we can finally hold the events physically.

Besides that I am interested in astronomy and like to go out on the water with a sailing ship. I love series and movies, and listen to all kinds of music. Unfortunately, there is not much time left for that at the moment.


Nerdio Valued Professional

In March 2023, I was nominated as a “Nerdio Valued Professional.” I received this honor because Nerdio values my feedback on the Nerdio Manager for Enterprise. Through long friendships and my activity in the community, I was approached to be part of the NVP program. The closeness to the product management and the Nerdio and NVP team motivated me to accept.

Since 2001 with Windows 2000, I have repeatedly completed certifications in the field of Microsoft, and thus have been able to keep the status at Today.

“Citrix Technology Advocate” I was allowed to call myself from March 2019 to December 2020. This was an award for my technical knowledge, my commitment to the community and the co-leadership of the Swiss Citrix User Group.

Contact & Social Media


Demonstrator observatory Muesmatt in Bern

At the Muesmatt Observatory in Bern, I guide groups through the observatory several times a year, and present our night sky to them. Usually there are children from a 4th to 9th grade.
More info:

myCUGC Local Leader

When mycugc.org was announced at Synergy 2015, I started SwissCUGC Sache Thomet together with.
I would be happy if you are also enthusiastic about the products of Citrix, you visit us at one of the next meetings.

Public presentations

Customized Health Check for Citrix Products with PowerShell
Citrix Day 2016, Digicomp Zurich
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-49ADDdc0Q
When: November 2016
Language: Swiss German

Citrix Cloud, Smart start mit Smart Tools
Citrix Day 2017, Digicomp Zurich
When: November 2017
Language: Swiss German

Citrix Cloud, Smart start with Smart Tools
E2EVC 2017, Barcelona
When: November 2017
Language: English

Azure Governance
Azure Bern User Group
When: Juni 2018
Language Swiss German

Next Generation Citrix Service Provider – Eine CSP Architektur mit Citrix Cloud auf Azure
Citrix Technology Exchange, Bonn
When: November 2018
Language: German