If you are deploying a Nerdio instance and you have deployed a Nerdio instance before, you may see the following error:
Now, it’s not like you hit the same name with a probability of 36^12. Much higher is the probability that you want to deploy instances of Nerdio in the same tenant, in a resource group with the same name.
You should now check if there is still a KeyVault on the subscription:
Soft Delete is enabled on the KeyVaults provided by Nerdio and will only be deleted after 90 days. You can now delete the Key Vault:
After that, the KeyVault should no longer be present. Deployment in the same resource group should now be possible again (before deleting all resources that have already been created again).
If you want to know how the name is generated, check out this article: https://www.beckmann.ch/blog/2023/09/01/how-does-nerdio-generate-the-name-of-an-instance/?lang=en